EDS MINI COLLOQUIUM: Tuesday, 12 th of February 2013, 14.00 – 18.00 h


 To download 2013 MQ, click here  

Just before the CDE conference opening, a Mini Colloquium (MQ) of Electron Device Society (EDS) will take place at the same venue than CDE, without additional registration fees. In this way, all the CDE participants may attend both events.

The list of speakers is as follows:


Chairman: Prof. Benjamin Íñiguez (URV, Spain)

Prof Juin J. Liou (Univ. of Central Florida, FL, USA)

Dr. Fernando Guarín (SRDC, IBM,Fishkill NY)

Prof. Magali Estrada (CINVESTAV, Mexico)

Prof. Joachim Burghartz (IMS-CHIPS, Stuttgart, Germany)

Prof. Eugeni García-Moreno (UIB, Spain)

Prof. Lluís F. Marsal (URV, Spain)

If you are interested in attending the MQ, please send an e-mail to:
With the label “MQ – EDS chapter” as the message subject.